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Conscious Intimacy Weekend of Workshops, 1st-3rd March 2024, The Gables, Glastonbury
Weekend of Workshops: Image
Weekend of Workshops: Video Player


1st - 3rd March, The Gables, Glastonbury

Mix & Match up to 7 workshops over 3 days. Pay what you can afford.

Explore potent life affirming skills to deepen and feel nourished by your connections with your friends, family, lover(s), and maybe even colleagues.


Conziness and Connection

Friday 1st March 7-10pm

An informal nourishing evening of discovering gentle and fun platonic intimacy of the mind, heart, emotions, and body.

Boundaries & Consent

Saturday 2nd March
Part 1: 9am-12pm
Part 2: 2pm-5pm

The basic skills required to keep you safe in the world of intimacy, yet completely overlooked in any useful way in our education system. Feeling where your authentic embodied boundaries are, and how to stand up for them.

Boundaries are how we carve out a space in the world for our souls to flower.


Touch In Motion - oxytocin dance meditation

Saturday 2nd March 7-10pm

A deep meditative slow dance journey into exploring nourishing platonic touch with yourself and (optionally) each other.

Emotional Processing Tools

Sunday 3rd 9am-12pm

You have to feel it to heal it. Most of us spend our lives bottling up our emotions until they explode, or numbing completely, fearing that anger with hurt others and grief will totally consume us. Learn and practice tools to express our emotions fully and safely as they arise. Learn to come fully alive.

Come prepared for a workout and loud music.


Being at home in your body

Sunday 3rd 2pm-5pm
(Optional Nudity)

A simple yet deeply profound and transformational ritual where we meet and are witnessed in our true vulnerable relationship with our bodies, with all that we love and that we struggle to love about this vessel that carries us through our life.

Primal Innocence Tribal Dance

Sunday 3rd March 7-10pm
(Optional Nudity)

Dance as you are - Let go of all the trying and striving and healing and growing and just let go into the joy of moving your body to the rhythm together. If you feel shy, dance shy, if you feel sad, dance sad, if you feel big and loud dance big and loud. Trust in the perfection of what is.

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Weekend of Workshops: Our Programs


The Gables, 83 The Roman Way, Glastonbury, BA6 8AD

As this is payment by donation, we are unable to offer catering and accommodation for this event. The venue has a small kitchenette that you are welcome to use, and town is a 25 min walk away. The venue does have a few rooms available, otherwise you can find B&Bs in town.

If you are longing for a residential event, then we are running a residential retreat in April at EarthSpirit. Info at

Weekend of Workshops: About Us
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